Basic Food Labeling Requirements In The USA

Basic Food Labeling Requirements In The USA Feature

The food and beverage in the USA is growing exceptionally, offering numerous entrepreneurship opportunities. However, it is important to have a winning product to kick-start your journey in this highly competitive market. In the beverage and food industry, companies need to fulfill the US food labeling requirements. It is important to consider that FDA packaging labeling requirements are available on more than 130 pages in dense text format.

It is important to remember that labeling requirements are different for different products. You need to explore the requirements depending on the nature of your specific products. It is necessary to navigate the FDA’s manual to label your food and beverage items. All food on display must be protected by packaging.

What Are The Packaging Areas?

When you are exploring the primary requirements for labeling in America, it is important to understand the packaging areas.

Principal Display Panel (PDP)

It is the ideal and visible area on the packaging for customers. The PDP area is the height times the width of the rectangular container packaging, such as a cereal box. Moreover, the PDP area is 40% height times the circumference of the cylindrical packaging such as a can.

Information Panel

This panel has the ideal placement on the right side of the Principal Display Panel.

FDA Packaging Labeling Requirements

What is required on a food label? You need to add the following details to the food labels to align your business with the regulations.

FDA Packaging Labeling Requirements

Identity Statement

The labels for food packaging must contain the food’s legal name, common name, or food description. However, it is important to remember that none of the above names will be the same as the brand name.

Placement: The ideal placement for the identity information is the PDP. You must make sure that the height of the font type is half that of the largest font on the packaging.

Product’s Net Quantity

Net quantity is the total amount of product in the packaging, which is labeled as a number of items, fluid measure, or weight. Therefore, you must consider the best food packaging labels to inform the consumers about product quantity.

Placement: The perfect placement for product net quantity is 30% of the bottom in the PDP.

Nutrition Facts Label

The food label ingredient list is ideal to convey the essential details about the food products. FDA governs the label format for products on the basis of the food content and packaging size.

What is required on a nutrition label? This Nutrition Facts Label must deliver the following information:

  • Common household unit
  • Mandatory nutrients (added sugars, calcium, cholesterol, dietary fiber, iron, potassium, protein, sodium, saturated fat, total carbohydrate, total calories, total fat, total sugars, trans fat, vitamin D)
  • Servings per container
  • Serving size

Placement: The suitable placement is on the Information Panel or Principal Display Panel close to the ingredient statement.

Ingredient Statement

It is essential to add the ingredient statement on the same panel where the manufacturer’s information is available to consumers. You need to follow a descending order of weight for the ingredients in an easy-to-read and 1/16″ tall.

Placement: You can add this statement close to the Nutrition Facts label on the PDP or Information Panel.

Allergen Declaration

It is necessary to use plain language and declare the presence of the major food allergens on the product packaging in accordance with the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act 2004 (FALCPA).

Placement: You must place the Allegren Declaration on the Information Panel or PDP close to the Nutrition Facts Label

Contact Details of the Distributor, Packer, or Manufacturer

It is important to display the name of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. Moreover, you must mention the full street address on the food buffet labels.

Placement: You can add this section either on PDP or Information Panel.

Additional Packaging Elements

You need to add the best packaging elements to facilitate the customers.

Claims of Nutrient Content

It is a statement about the nutrient level of your food, such as sugar-free, high-fiber, or low-fat. You can display these claims anywhere on the packaging, including on the information panel and PDP. The type size can not be double the size of the font used for the Identity Statement.

Important: When you have decided to utilize a Nutrient Content Claim, it is important to mention a Nutrition Facts Panel that showcases the nutrient and its actual value.


There is no requirement for the barcode for the food package by any of the government regulatory agencies. However, retail establishments require the barcode. The barcode should be placed where it must not interfere with the necessary elements.

Best Before, Expiration, or Sell-by Date

It is true that some states ask for the dates on a variety of food products. Therefore, you must explore the specific regulations for your food products and regulations. The date must be placed in an ideal way without interfering with the essential labeling elements. This packaging and labeling US requires that day, month, and year to be adjacent to the explanatory phrases like “sell by” and “best before.”

Which Nutrients Must Be Listed On A Food Label?

The following nutrients must be listed on a food label.

  1. Vitamin D
  2. Trans fat
  3. Total sugars
  4. Total fat
  5. Total Calories
  6. Total carbohydrate
  7. Saturated fat
  8. Sodium
  9. Protein
  10. Potassium
  11. Iron
  12. Dietary fiber
  13. Cholesterol
  14. Calcium
  15. Added sugars

Ensure your food products meet all FDA labeling requirements with our high-quality mylar bags with logo. Contact us today to design your compliant packaging solutions and stand out in the competitive food and beverage market.


Is Food Labeling in the United States Regulated by USDA?

No, USDA has no role in enforcing the regulations for food labeling in the USA.

Is There A Need For GMO Labeling in the USA?

Yes, there is a need for GMO labeling for products created from bioengineered sources.

What are the Five Requirements for Food Labeling in America?

Identity statement, product’s net quantity, nutrition facts label, ingredient statement, and allergen declaration.

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